Even After Death - Chapter 1069

Chapter 1069


Chapter 1069

Olivia reminisced about her past in the restaurant by the beach.

She recounted the details of her past, which could be searched

online. Her description added colors to those emotionless words.

Her eyes reddened as the story reached its climax, but she fought her

tears back.

“Thank you for listening, Varren. I’ve spent so many years all alone.

No family, no friends. Sometimes, when I need someone to talk to, I

can’t find anyone. That’s why I keep talking to you. I must be

annoying, right?”

Warren finally understood why she always had so much stuff to talk

about. It was because she was Olivia.

He recalled their conversations, in which he would always give her the

cold treatment.

He thought, “Perhaps I was her only comfort.”

“It’s nothing.” He took a sip of coffee. It was bitter.

He wondered how many people out there lived bitter lives.

“Oh right, you didn’t mention your life before. You don’t seem young. I

bet you’re married, aren’t you?”

Warren shook his head. “No.”

How could someone like him get married? That would bring suffering

to others and himself.

Besides, Warren didn’t believe in a happy marriage because of his


“Someone like me doesn’t deserve to get married.”

“Why? I think you’re a nice person.” Olivia began eating while. conversing. She was hungry and thirsty after talking for so long.

Although he kept feeding her useless information, he didn’t leave! She was halfway through achieving her objective.

Other than avenging Mona, there was something else Olivia was aiming for.

According to Jack, Warren was the only person who had conspired

with the mastermind to kill Olivia.

Hence, she thought she could get some clues from Warren.

During the past few years, she had been investigating secretly to find

out the truth.

Unfortunately, the other party was so capable that he covered hist

tracks very well.

Therefore, Warren was her only clue right now.

The first step was to gain his trust. Someone like him wouldn’t trust

others easily.

That was why she spent two years talking to him online.

After the meal, she didn’t intend to stay any longer. “Do you want me to send you back?”

ITS TIN Have somet

next plan?”

can take a cab. What’s your

She shrugged. “I haven’t returned here for three years. I’ll stay in

Aldenvine for the time being before making a new plan. I don’t have. much of anything anyway.

“I only have a huge amount of money I received when I divorced. I

should splurge it to make my suffering worth it, shouldn’t I? I’ll get

going, then. Bye.”

Olivia entered the car. She waved at him enthusiastically before leaving.

Warren’s heart ached in the face of her warm gaze.

He thought, “Silly woman. The cause of your unhappiness is just right

before you. How could you tell him everything without holding back

so easily?”

Right at that moment, Olivia received a message. She glanced at it.

It was a message from Warren that read, “We’re friends forever.”

Olivia casually threw her phone to the side. The corner of her lips was

reaching her cheeks.

was c

The fish in the net, and it was faster than she expected.

Now, she would ignore him for the moment. After all, someone like

him might notice something fishy going on if she contacted him too


There were a lot of things Olivia wanted to do in Aldenvine this time.

Warren wasn’t the only reason for her return.

She used another phone to make a call. “Hey, I’m in Aldenvine.”

The other party replied enthusiastically, “After eons, you’re finally here! Where are you? I’ll come over to pick you up.”

“Don’t be such a stranger. I know Aldenvine like the back of my hand.

I’ll be there in an hour.” She terminated the call.

It was time to settle the piled-up scores now.

